Friday, December 19, 2008

Friday five: tick tock, fa la la

Songbird of the RevGals writes:

It's true.

There are only five full days before Christmas Day, and whether you use them for shopping, wrapping, preaching, worshiping, singing or traveling or even wishing the whole darn thing were over last Tuesday, there's a good chance they will be busy ones.

So let's make this easy, if we can: tell us five things you need to accomplish before Christmas Eve.

1) Shopping. Though we've scaled w-a-y back this year, there are a few things I need to get, and I have not started yet. Bleah.

2) Godparent duty. Godchild 1 is Mary this year, in her church's Christmas program--Beloved & I will go & be with her tonight as she ponders it all deep in her heart.

3) Rehearsal. I'm almost there: choir and bells are ready for Christmas Eve and even the first Monday in January, but tomorrow morning, I'm a supporting utility infielder for my children's choir director, who's leading the kids' Christmas program. It has been an odyssey this year, but hopefully it won't be anything like THIS:

4) Worship planning. Because, amazing as it seems to me today, there will be MORE worship services after the 25th.

5) Answer 1.4 million e-mails. December, man. Sigh.

All that having been said, I'm in the stretch! Hope the same is true for you.

*<@:-)% <---Choralgirl Elf


Unknown said...

Oh, cute! Love the elf!

Cecilia said...

December, man. Indeed! Here's hoping it all goes beautifully...