Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Put down WHAT duckie?

OK, I'll admit it. I'm tired. I'm having trouble distinguishing between the duckies and the saxophones. What should I put down at any given moment, and what should I play?

Don't get me wrong here--I'm happy and grateful to have so many choices and interests. However, the following versions of me are in competition with one another, at present, instead of cooperation:
  • Physical Me--still in weight-loss mode; have become better at eating and sleeping, but still working on finding time to exercise regularly
  • Spiritual Me--Child of God, in communion with my Creator/Redeemer/Sanctifier, not quite managing to find enough quiet time for that communion
  • Married Me--loving (and blessed) partner of Beloved, and member of both our larger families
  • Ministry Me (oh, beHAVE)--expresses my deeply-held value as Child of God doing my bit for tikkun olam (repairing the world) and trying to hold open the windows for the Holy Spirit
  • Friend Me--also about living out relationships as Child of God and member of the Human Family, and besides, it's warm and wonderful and satisfying
  • Musical Me--expresses my gifts, teaches me and mostly feeds my soul
  • Literary Me--expresses my gifts, teaches me and feeds my soul
  • Student Me--always wants to know more, to keep growing
That's my little flock of selves, all real, all of value, and so none of those duckies will gather dust on a shelf over the long term ('cause it'd make me quack up--snicker).

Really need to work on proportion, tough. Have been working much harder at self-care, and it's helping, but not the full answer. Maybe should try for a retreat of some kind...hmmm. But that's not going to happen until mid-May at least.

Meanwhile, Gentle Reader, any interesting resources on centering prayer and/or Sabbath keeping would be gratefully received.


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