Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Emotional eating

Alas, alack,
what's wrong with my Mac?
It's stony and silent; the screen has gone black.

I'm all agog:
no chances to blog.
Perhaps it's a sign that God wants me to jog

or ride my bike,
or do something like
the dishes or laundry, or go for a hike.

Oh, God, oh please,
I'm down on my knees:
just don't let my motherboard have a disease

that they can't fix.
Give the guy any tricks
that will get me back into the bloggity mix!

Oh, you will see
what a good girl I'll be
if my Apple is not just a box of debris

but comes back whole,
because I'm on a roll
and wishing to blog for the good of my soul.

Alas, alack,
what's wrong with my Mac?
Sigh. Perhaps I'll feel better if I have a snack.

An apple?


Jan said...

I know how you feel! I'll have an apple soon, too.

Hidden in Christ said...

yes! an apple is a great snack. or some mac and cheese. great rhyming skills my friend. i love your blogs!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Thanks for the smile! It is horrible when the computer goes down.

HarpTonya said...

I, my friend, am in the some EEC (Emotional Eaters Club) as you - but I'm working on it. My tactic is to go practice my harp for awhile - very hard to play a stringed instrument with Cheeto dust on my fingers...........

We will overcome!

Rachel said...

so sorry 'bout your mac, and so love this. (also - love your music list right now)

Choralgrrl said...

Harptonya--snickering (mmm...Snickers!) at the image of the Cheeto dust.

Swandive--what'cha listening to?

All--thanks for visiting; Mac is back in fine fettle.